How Cancellations Work


How cancellations work

On Pc TOUR, hosts can choose which cancellation policies to offer to guests, and guests can review them before booking. The standard of cancellation time is based on Taiwan Standard Time. The cancellation policies will show at the top of the product's page. Before booking, you can check the cancellation policies in the Pc TOUR Announcement. After booking, the cancellation policies will show in the booking confirmation email or in the product's page.

Regulation of cancellations

  • Much stricter: cancellation is free of charge 90 days prior to the check in date.

  • Strict: cancellation is free of charge 60 days prior to the check in date.

  • Middle: cancellation is free of charge 30 days prior to the check in date.

  • Light: cancellation is free of charge 14 days prior to the check in date.

Notice for cancellations

  • If guests want to have free cancellations, please follow the free cancellation policy of each host; otherwise, the total fee cannot be refunded. In addition to extenuating circumstancies which meet the extenuating circumstancies policy, you may be able to postpone your schedule or have full refund.
  • The extra fees that the host collects at the counter which should be refunded or not decide on the host.

Frequently asked questions

  • How long does it take to get a refund?

    We send refunds immediately upon cancellation and they usually show up within 3-5 days in Taiwan, but sometimes it takes as long as 15 days before they reflect on the original payment method in foreign country. In some countries, such as Brazil and India, it can take up to 2 months for the refund to arrive.