Yilan|Take an in-depth trip to Yilan countryside with the manual iron bullock cart
  • Yuanshan Township, Yilan County
  • Light (can be cancelled free of charge 3 days prior to the check-in date.)
  • Cash
  • No age limit
  • Farming/Nature/Animal Experience
  • Book on the dayIntroduction film includedShow Pc TOUR's proof of purchase on the order record page as check-in.
  • MandarinTaiwanese
  • Outdoor activity
  • Half-day tour
  • Limited numbers of participants

☆The minimum number of participants for guaranteed trip is 6 passengers above 3 years old in one cart or directly pay for TWD 1200 per cart. Children under 3 years old is free of charge and will not occupy the seat.

☆For more comfortable, the number of passengers in one cart is at most 6 passengers above 3 years old and 1 to 2 passengers under 3 years old.


"Tien-niu" was commonly known as the cultivating machine. "Li-a-ka" was the rickshaw loading the heavy goods at the earlier period. During the agricultural society which was mainly relied on laborious work, the combination of "Tien-niu" and "Li-a-ka" brought the convenience to the farmer and help farmer save more energy. And with time goes, now it has became the most popular transportation to take tourists touring around the countryside in Yilan and lets travelers exeprience and get much understanding of the earlier agricultural life. You and your children can learn education form the entertainment. The activity is beloved by many tourists especially those who live in a city life. Taking an in-depth trip to Yilan countryside with the manual iron bullock cart makes people feel quite relaxed and peaceful. Come and feel the beauty of the countryside!


Total activity time is 120 minutes: please choose 3 attractions from five below to stop by and the narrator will give you guidance.

Choose one: Qiang-a-lian-pi lake

  • The water is clean, and the fountain is pouring out all year round. It's a rich wonderland in a favorable geographic location that the local people always said. You can see the local people making use of the fountain to wash clothes at here and children also can find out many natural treasures like the sensitive plants they hadn't seen before in the city and the nectar which can be eaten. 

Choose two:Da-shu-gong

  • It's a Autummn Maple Tree which has been living for over three hundreds years, it's also commonly known as Da-shu-gong which is the precious old tree that has been watched and controlled by Yilan County Government. You can always see the local residence sitting under the tree to cool themselves.

Choose three: Du-chuan-tou park、Da-kung leisure-based fish farms

  • Du-chuan-tou park: it used to be the popular dock. After the Yuanshan dike had been done, it started to decline and lost its importance. Then it has been renovated to become a historical park. 

  • Da-kung leisure-based fish farms: your children can enjoy fish-feeding fun at here.

Choose 4: Sun lake

  • "Tonggui Relic: it used to be the important battle position and a place contested by all military strategists. 
  • "Sun Lake": the functions now are farming fishes and irrigating the farmland. The sceneray is beautiful and tranquil. You can take a walk at here. 

Choose five: Ying-bao wonderland

  • can let elderly and children play water and experience the "Li-a-ka" by manual.


  • Business hour: Monday to Sunday 08:00-17:00
  • Fee: NT$1200 per car, which can accommodate up to 6 passengers (including children above 3 years old who occupy a seat). Passengers aged 3 or above are charged NT$200 each, while those under 3 years old can ride for free without occupying a seat.
  • For optimal comfort, it is recommended to have 6 passengers aged 3 or above, and 1-2 passengers under 3 years old who can be held (without occupying a seat) per car.
  • If the on-site staff finds that a group cannot be accommodated in the same car, they will instruct the group to split into multiple cars and additional fees may apply.

Parking information

  • Free parking lot nearby Neicheng post office at Yuanshan township.

Additional product

Total activity time is 30-40 minutes.

  • Tie-niu cart pen case diy

  • Tie-niu cart hand-made painting soap.







  • 水質清澈,終年湧泉不斷。在地人稱此處是一處風水寶地。你可以在此看見用清澈溪水洗衣服的居民,孩子們在這邊也發現了都市裡沒看過的含羞草,跟能吃的花蜜,孩子們在這邊發現了許多大自然的寶物。


  • 已有三百多歲的老茄苳樹,俗稱大樹公,宜蘭縣列管的珍貴老樹之一,也是當地居民的信仰,一旁還有奉祀它的廟宇。在這裡可以看見當地居民的身影,常坐在大樹底下乘涼。


  • 渡船頭公園:昔日船隻停靠、各式貨物集散中心的渡口碼頭,曾經風光一時,但在員山堤防落成後,這裡就失去航運功能,經過整理後成為遊憩公園。

  • 大坑休閒漁場:可以買魚飼料餵魚


  • 「統櫃遺址」,歷經戰事的重要地理位置,昔日為兵家必爭之地及彈藥庫、指揮所及散兵坑。
  • 「太陽埤」,目前功能除了養魚外,還提供附近的農田灌溉使用,風景優美靜謐,適合在此散心賞景。


  • 可以讓長輩小孩玩水、體驗「力阿卡」的休閒樂園


  • 營業時間:全年無休,每日08:00-17:00
  • 對象與費用:


  • 附近免費停車場(員山內城郵局旁)



  • 鐵牛車筆筒DIY

  • 鐵牛車手工皂


  • 採果體驗(採果以當季盛產水果為主、帶回家的量依時價計算)
全年度 芭蕉
7月-隔年2月 土芭樂、紅心芭樂
9月(中秋前後) 柚子
10月(數量有限、採完為止) 砂糖桔、葡萄柚
11月-12月 甜金棗
12月-隔年2月 金棗


Contact host
Response rate: 100% Response time: Within a few hours
Destination address
Yuanshan Township, Yilan County
附近 Nearby
To guarantee your payment security, except for Pc TOUR's website and marketplace (iOS/ Android), remember to fully communicate with hosts through Pc TOUR fully and do not believe in using other ways to pay or transfer fees.
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About dining

  • Please prepare the water, snacks or some food by yourself.

Notice for booking

  • There are minimum number of participants for guaranteed trip. 6 passengers above 3 years old can sit in one cart or pay for TWD 1200 per cart. Children under 3 years old is free of charge and don't occupy the seat.
  • The activity will be cancelled by the system automatically if not enough people join. And the system will send you the notification of cancellation 1 days before the activity through email and you can have full refund.
  • Pc TOUR suggest that the number of passengers in one cart is at most 6 persons above 3 years old and 1 to 2 persons under 3 years old.
  • Please check-in the number of guests you have booked online, if there're extra guests at the counter, we will refuse to receive extra guests at the counter.
  • Please show the proof of purchase at your order record page as check-in and your and your children's passport or ID as check-in for identification at the check-in counter.
  • The activity will still be held if it's rainy.
  • All prices have included tax.

Experience rules

  • Please check-in on time; you can arrive ten minutes earlier at the counter.
  • If guests or the main contact person who don't check-in on time and lead to the insufficient time to tour, guests or  the main contact person should take responsible.

Friendly notice

  • It's an outdoor activity, so we suggest that you can bring the sunscreen and the aniti-mosquito liquid.

Refund policy