Taiwan Travel Guide | Taipei, New Taipei City: (Product Code: PC230811209)
  • Wanhua District, Taipei City
  • Most lightly (can be cancelled free of charge prior to the check in date.)

Product No:  PC230811209

※The following is a self-guided tour itinerary, and the schedule and itinerary can be adjusted according to personal preferences.

※Refund conditions depend on the regulations of each attraction.

※You can click on the link to make an online reservation or 【Add to My Journey】.

※【Add to My Journey】 allows you to see the distance and travel time between points, and provides navigation to get there.

※If you are a group traveler and require accommodation and chartering services for 3 or more rooms, please contact Pc TOUR's dedicated travel planner to enjoy group discount prices.

※Individual travel (1-2 rooms) can directly book itinerary and accommodation by clicking the link.



第1天 4/6(六): 接機(立即預約)

  • 接機到西門町酒店、逛西門町商圈

第2天 4/7(日)

  • 九份、十分、野柳、北海岸回西門町

第3天 4/8(一)

  • 中正紀念堂、故宮博物館、北投老街、淡水老街回西門町

第4天 4/9(二)

  • 濱江果菜市場、台北101、新店老街、碧潭吊橋風景區

第5天 4/10(三): 送機(立即預約)

  • 佳德鳳梨酥、裕珍香奶油酥餅、前往機場回新加坡
Contact host
Response rate: 60% Response time: Within a few minutes
Destination address
Wanhua District, Taipei City
附近 Nearby
To guarantee your payment security, except for Pc TOUR's website and marketplace (iOS/ Android), remember to fully communicate with hosts through Pc TOUR fully and do not believe in using other ways to pay or transfer fees.
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