Taiwan travel advice|Taipei Taoyuan Miaoli Taichung Nantou Hualien Yilan 8-Day Tour (Product No: PC240123586)
  • Shilin District, Taipei City
  • Most lightly (can be cancelled free of charge prior to the check in date.)

產品編號 PC240123586





※如果您是團體旅遊且需要3間房以上的住宿和包車服務,請聯繫Pc TOUR的專屬旅遊規劃師,並享有團體優惠價格。

※個人旅遊(1-2間房)可透過點擊連結直接預約行程及住宿,或Pc TOUR代訂

※若想要的住宿未上架至平台,請洽Pc TOUR客服


※旅客務必於前一日與司機確認隔日上車時間,如前一日有任何問題,請盡速與Pc TOUR客服聯繫。



第1天 - 3月23日(六), 接機(立即預約): 旅客搭乘SQ878 班機預計下午4點20分抵達台灣桃園機場(TPE),宿苗栗尚順君樂飯店

  • 00:00~16:20|班機:旅客搭乘SQ878下午4點20分抵達台灣桃園國際機場(TPE)
  • 16:20~17:40|機場:旅客辦理入境手續+提取行李
  • 17:50~18:45|交通:桃園機場前往苗栗尚順君樂飯店
  • 18:55~19:15|住宿:尚順君樂飯店check-in
  • 19:25~21:00|晚餐:尚順育樂世界周邊
  • 21:10~00:00|住宿:飯店內休息

第2天 - 3月24日(日), 包車10小時(立即預約): 苗栗到台中,宿豐邑逢甲商旅 La Vida Hotel 


  • 00:00~08:00|早餐:自理,早餐結束後,早上8點00分出發前往苗栗鐵道自行車(導航:勝興車站)
  • 08:00~08:40|交通:尚順君樂飯店前往苗栗鐵道自行車(導航:勝興車站)
  • 08:50~09:10|景點:苗栗勝興鐵道自行車(路線A)CHECK-IN
  • 09:20~10:30|景點:苗栗勝興鐵道自行車(路線A) - 旅客搭乘上午9點20分場次(尚未預訂)
  • 10:40~12:30|景點:勝興車站+午餐:自理(推薦:三丘景觀餐廳、勝興七姊八弟山城店等)
  • 12:40~13:20|交通:勝興車站前往台中高美濕地遊客中心
  • 13:30~15:30|景點:高美濕地
  • 15:40~16:15|交通:高美濕地遊客中心前往台中草莓世界
  • 16:25~17:25|景點:台中草莓世界
  • 17:35~17:55|交通:台中草莓世界前往豐邑逢甲商旅 La Vida Hotel 
  • 18:05~18:25|住宿:豐邑逢甲商旅 La Vida Hotel Check-in
  • 18:35~18:40|交通:豐邑逢甲商旅 La Vida Hotel步行前往逢甲夜市
  • 18:50~20:20|景點:逢甲夜市+晚餐:自理
  • 20:30~20:35|交通:逢甲夜市步行前往豐邑逢甲商旅 La Vida Hotel
  • 20:45~00:00|住宿:豐邑逢甲商旅 La Vida Hotel內休息


  • 00:00~08:05|早餐:自理,早餐結束後,早上8點05分出發前往六合高架牛奶草莓農場
  • 08:05~08:45|交通:尚順君樂飯店前往六合高架牛奶草莓農場
  • 08:55~09:55|景點:六合高架牛奶草莓農場(推薦)
  • 10:05~10:40|交通:六合高架牛奶草莓農場前往勝興車站鐵道自行車
  • 10:50~11:10|景點:勝興車站鐵道自行車CHECK-IN
  • 11:20~12:30|景點:勝興車站鐵道自行車(路線A) - 旅客搭乘上午11點20分場次(尚未預訂)
  • 12:40~14:10|景點:勝興老街+午餐:自理
  • 14:20~15:00|交通:勝興老街前往高美濕地遊客中心
  • 15:10~17:20|景點:高美濕地
  • 17:30~18:05|交通:高美濕地遊客中心前往豐邑逢甲商旅 La Vida Hotel 
  • 18:15~18:35|住宿:豐邑逢甲商旅 La Vida Hotel Check-in
  • 18:45~18:50|交通:豐邑逢甲商旅 La Vida Hotel步行前往逢甲夜市
  • 19:00~20:30|景點:逢甲夜市+晚餐:自理
  • 20:40~20:45|交通:逢甲夜市步行前往豐邑逢甲商旅 La Vida Hotel
  • 20:55~00:00|住宿:豐邑逢甲商旅 La Vida Hotel內休息

第3天 - 3月25日(一), 包車10小時(立即預約): 台中到南投


  • 00:00~09:00|早餐:自理,早餐結束後,早上9點00分出發前往彩虹眷村
  • 09:00~09:20|交通:豐邑逢甲商旅La Vida Hotel前往彩虹眷村
  • 09:30~09:45|景點:彩虹眷村(拍照) 
  • 09:55~10:20|交通:彩虹眷村前往宮原眼科
  • 10:30~11:00|景點:宮原眼科
  • 11:10~11:20|交通:宮原眼科前往春水堂四維創始店
  • 11:30~12:45|午餐:春水堂四維創始店
  • 12:55~13:25|交通:春水堂四維創始店前往好麻吉農場採番茄
  • 13:35~14:15|景點:好麻吉農場採番茄
  • 14:25~15:05|交通:好麻吉農場前往Cona's妮娜巧克力夢想城堡觀光工廠
  • 15:15~16:25|景點:Cona's 妮娜巧克力夢想城堡觀光工廠
  • 16:35~17:35|交通:Cona's 妮娜巧克力夢想城堡觀光工廠前往清境農場小瑞士花園
  • 17:45~18:45|景點:清境農場小瑞士花園
  • 18:55~19:00|交通:清境農場小瑞士花園前往五里坡民墅
  • 19:10~19:30|住宿:五里坡民墅Check-in
  • 19:40~20:40|晚餐:房間內享用(五里坡民墅提供) 
  • 20:50~00:00|住宿:民宿內休息


  • 00:00~09:00|早餐:自理,早餐結束後,早上9點00分出發前往日月潭伊達邵遊客中心
  • 09:00~10:15|交通:豐邑逢甲商旅 La Vida Hotel前往日月潭伊達邵遊客中心
  • 10:25~12:25|景點:日月潭伊達邵遊客中心(搭纜車、遊船等)+午餐:自理
  • 12:35~13:05|交通:日月潭伊達邵遊客中心前往Cona's妮娜巧克力夢想城堡觀光工廠
  • 13:15~14:15|景點:Cona's妮娜巧克力夢想城堡觀光工廠
  • 14:25~15:25|交通:Cona's妮娜巧克力夢想城堡觀光工廠前往清境農場小瑞士花園
  • 15:35~16:35|景點:清境農場小瑞士花園
  • 16:45~16:55|交通:清境農場小瑞士花園前往雞大王活蝦啤酒城(推薦)
  • 17:05~18:35|晚餐:雞大王活蝦啤酒城(推薦)
  • 18:45~19:00|交通:雞大王活蝦啤酒城前往五里坡民墅
  • 19:10~19:30|住宿:五里坡民墅Check-in
  • 19:40~00:00|住宿:五里坡民墅內休息

第4天 - 3月26日(二), 包車10小時(立即預約): 南投到花蓮

  • 00:00~08:30|早餐:自理,早餐結束後,早上8點30分出發前往清境農場購票處
  • 08:30~08:40|交通:五里坡民墅前往清境農場購票處
  • 08:50~11:50|景點:清境農場+午餐:自理
  • 12:00~12:40|交通:清境農場購票處前往合歡山、武嶺、太魯閣
  • 12:50~17:40|景點:合歡山、武嶺、太魯閣
  • 17:50~18:30|交通:太魯閣遊客中心前往花蓮捷絲旅中正館
  • 18:40~19:00|住宿:花蓮捷絲旅中正館Check-in
  • 19:10~19:25|交通:花蓮捷絲旅中正館步行前往東大門夜市
  • 19:35~21:00|景點:東大門夜市
  • 21:10~21:25|交通:東大門夜市步行前往花蓮捷絲旅中正館
  • 21:35~00:00|住宿:花蓮捷絲旅中正館內休息

第5天 - Mar 27, Wednesday, 包車10小時(立即預約): 花蓮到宜蘭

  • Hualien to Yilan, Dongao ATV, Grandma Zhang Mei Farm, Sinbow Experience Farm, Wei Zhen Xiang Fried Meat, Luodong Night Market
  • 宿: Stay at Luodong Cuncyue Hot Spring Resort

第6天 - Mar 28, Thursday, 包車10小時(立即預約): 宜蘭到台北

  • Yilan to Taipei, Jiaoxi Scallion Pancake, Jiufen, Shifen, Yehliu Geopark、Raohe Night Market
  • 宿: Stay at Midtown Richardson Ximen or equivalent

第7天 - Mar 29, Friday, 不包車

  • 行程:旅客自理
  • 宿: Stay at Midtown Richardson Ximen or equivalent

第8天 - Mar 30, Saturday, 送機: SQ879 departure time: 17.35

  • 山腳鹿場水鹿之家、桃園xpark、華泰名品+送機
Contact host
Response rate: 60% Response time: Within a few minutes
Destination address
Shilin District, Taipei City
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To guarantee your payment security, except for Pc TOUR's website and marketplace (iOS/ Android), remember to fully communicate with hosts through Pc TOUR fully and do not believe in using other ways to pay or transfer fees.
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【Regarding All-Inclusive Payment Methods】

▲ Accommodations: 50% (full payment required for certain renowned hotels).
▲ Chauffeur service: 30%.
▲ Other tickets and experiential activities: Payment is made together with the final installment.

《Final Installment》
▲ Final payment is due 14 days before departure, including weekends and holidays.

For the "all-inclusive payment method," we offer international bank transfer and online credit card payment services. Please note that once we receive the deposit, we will proceed to book accommodations and arrange chauffeur services for you. Note: No accommodations or chauffeur services have been booked until the deposit is paid. We kindly ask for your understanding and cooperation regarding this matter.

If you can accept the above payment methods, we would be more than happy to continue discussing your itinerary. Once again, we sincerely appreciate your cooperation and support!

【Regarding Car Charter Service】

1. The overtime fee is NT$500 per hour. If there is any overtime, please make the payment directly to the driver on-site for the overtime charges.
2. The duration of the charter service may exceed the estimated time due to traffic congestion or extended stops at attractions. In the event of overtime, please settle the overtime charges with the driver on-site based on the rate of NT$500 per hour.
3. Upon the flight's arrival, the waiting time for the driver is 90 minutes. If it exceeds 90 minutes, an additional fee of NT$100 will be charged for every 15-minute.
4. According to different situation, the charter fee may not include parking fees, tolls, or driver meals. Please confirm these details with us in advance.
5. Please note that if the itinerary's attractions (those not part of pre-booked activities) are undergoing maintenance or unopened, it falls outside the responsibility of our company. Prior to departure, please confirm the availability of the attractions on your own. Thank you.
6. Passengers must confirm the pick-up time for the following day with the driver the day before. If there are any issues on the previous day, please contact PC TOUR customer service as soon as possible.

【Accommodation Refund Policy】

According to the regulations of the Taiwan Tourism Act, the refund policy for accommodation providers (where "Party A" refers to individual guests and "Party B" refers to the accommodation provider) is as follows:

If Party A cancels the reservation 14 days or more prior to the scheduled check-in date, Party A may request a full refund of the paid.
If Party A cancels the reservation between 10 and 13 days prior to the scheduled check-in date, Party A may request a refund of 70% of the paid.
If Party A cancels the reservation between 7 and 9 days prior to the scheduled check-in date, Party A may request a refund of 50% of the paid.
If Party A cancels the reservation between 4 and 6 days prior to the scheduled check-in date, Party A may request a refund of 40% of the paid.
If Party A cancels the reservation between 2 and 3 days prior to the scheduled check-in date, Party A may request a refund of 30% of the paid.
If Party A cancels the reservation 1 day prior to the scheduled check-in date, Party A may request a refund of 20% of the paid.
If Party A cancels the reservation on the same day as the scheduled check-in date or fails to provide a cancellation notice, Party B is not obligated to refund any portion of the paid by Party A.
If Party A cancels the reservation from the scheduled check-in day to the thirteenth day, Pc TOUR will charge a 3% processing fee.
In case of any uncontrollable factors, according to the regulations of Taiwan's tourism law, a full refund will be provided.