Product No: PC240225614
※The following is a self-guided tour itinerary, and the schedule and itinerary can be adjusted according to personal preferences.
※Refund conditions depend on the regulations of each attraction.
※You can click on the link to make an online reservation or 【Add to My Journey】.
※【Add to My Journey】 allows you to see the distance and travel time between points, and provides navigation to get there.
※If you are a group traveler and require accommodation and chartering services for 3 or more rooms, please contact Pc TOUR's dedicated travel planner to enjoy group discount prices.
※Individual travel (1-2 rooms) can directly book itinerary and accommodation by clicking the link.
※Please note that if the itinerary's attractions (those not part of pre-booked activities) are undergoing maintenance or unopen, it falls outside the responsibility of our company. Prior to departure, please confirm the availability of the attractions on your own. Thank you.
※Passengers must confirm the pick-up time for the following day with the driver the day before. If there are any issues on the previous day, please contact PC TOUR customer service as soon as possible.
第1天 - 4/28 (日) 接機(立即預約): 桃園機場到台中 Arrival: 16:40 PM
- 接機到台中,晚上可逛逢甲夜市
- 宿: 永豐棧親子酒店
第2天 - 4/29 (一) 包車10小時(立即預約): 台中
- 紙箱王、薰衣草森林、新峰農場採甜桃、宮源眼科、一中街夜市
- 宿: 永豐棧親子酒店
第3天 - 4/30 (二) 包車10小時(立即預約): 台中到南投
- 日月潭環湖、伊達紹老街、清境農場
- 宿: 5km Villa
第4天 - 5/1(三) 包車10小時(立即預約): 南投到宜蘭
- 勝興鐵道電動自行車、礁溪甕窯雞、羅東夜市
- 宿: 村却溫泉國際酒店
第5天 - 5/2(四) 包車8小時(立即預約): 宜蘭
- 林場肉羹、張美阿嬤農場、(三星四季青花瓷)、星寶蔥體驗農場、清水地熱
- 宿: 寶貝樂溜滑梯民宿
第6天 - 5/3(五) 包車8小時(立即預約): 宜蘭
- 蠟筆城堡、奇麗珍奶博物館、虎牌米粉、虎咖啡、幾米廣場、東門夜市
- 宿: 寶貝樂溜滑梯民宿
第7天 - 5/4(六) 單程接送(立即預約): 宜蘭到台北
第8天 - 5/5(日) 包車8小時(立即預約): 台北
- 大溪廣澤宮,大溪老街,石門水庫,郭元益糕餅博物館、鶯歌老舊
- 宿西門町德立莊酒店
第9天 - 5/6(一) 送機(立即預約),旅客回新加坡(Depature: 14:20 PM)
- 建議起飛前3-3.5小時抵達台灣桃園機場(TPE)